Sunday, March 1, 2015


Throughout the course of this blog, I will mainly be talking about the famous NHL playoffs. During the regular season, all 30 organizations fight for a spot in the 16 teams that will make the playoffs. This is an exciting time for fans because they get to either see if their favourite teams make it or crash and burn causing an end to their season. Another big part leading up to the playoffs is the trades, watching B list players be thrown around team to team hopping your team doesn't lose potential talent is nerve-racking. Trades can possibly change the entire outcome of a team. Thats what I love about the lead up to the playoffs. There are other factors that can change the playoffs aswell.
The possibility of injuries and sickness is a big part in success. An example of that is my favourite player, Patrick Kane. After being shoved from behind, Kane went collarbone first into the boards breaking his clavicle (collarbone). He is estimated to miss up to 12 weeks which really killed the whole Chicago Blackhawks organization. Kane being the leading scorer on the team with 27 goals and at the time the player with the most points (64) is almost an irreplaceable spot to fill. The Blackhawks acquired left wing Antoine Vermette from Arizona for a 1st round pick and Klas Dahlbeck from the minors to hopefully fill the void. In other news, The trade deadline is a scary time for  B list players, Vermette told medias that he loved playing in Arizona and that he thought he would finish his career with them.
To me this is why its exciting, seeing teams acquire new player into their line-ups is something most players love about the sport. This is also why I decided to write my blogs about this subject, since I was just a young boy I've always had a deep love for the sport. To conclude this intro to my blog, I look forward to expressing my feelings about the sport that I have grown to love with my peers.

Video of Patrick Kane's injury.


  1. Wow Alec! Reading your blog post really made me look forward to your next one because I am not very familiar about the NHL playoffs but I would like to know more about it. Hockey is not one of my favourite sports but it sounds more interesting than I thought it would be. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much Mona! I love the fact that I can talk about something I love and you can enjoy it. I'm happy you look forward to learning about something that you don't have much knowledge on. It makes me happy that you show interest on the sport that has impacted my life so much!

  2. Awesome Blog post Alec, I'm really interested in reading your blog mostly because I'm not very familiar with the playoffs. I'm not one for sports, yet I'm still attracted to your blog because you seem very educated when it comes to hockey. I can't wait to stoo see what you have in store for this blog!
